
“Ut sementem feceris, ita metes.” (You reap what you sow.) — Marcus Tullius Cicero, ancient Roman statesman and orator

Key Ideas:

  • Scale is the ability to reliably duplicate or multiply a process as volume increases.
  • Scalability is limited by the amount of human involvement required in the process. The smaller the level of required human attention in the process, the more the business can produce.
  • Products are easier to Duplicate, while Shared Resources are easier to Multiply.
  • People don’t scale. On the contrary, the bigger the demand on them, the lower the effectiveness.
  • The smaller the level of human involvement, the more scalable the business.

Questions for Consideration:

  • Is your business system scalable?
  • What is the maximum volume your business system could currently deliver?
  • How would you go about expanding the business as volume increases?