
“I have always believed that for a product or service to thrive, it must deliver quality. A fine product or service is its own best selling point.” — Victor Kiam, former owner of Remington and the New England Patriots football team

Key Ideas:

  • Predictability means providing exactly what the customer expects. Unexpected surprises are only good as long as you provide what the customer is looking for.
  • There are three factors that influence Predictability:

    • Uniformity. It means delivering the same characteristics every time.
    • Consistency. It means delivering the same value over time.
    • Reliability. It means being about to count on delivery of the value without error or delay.
  • The more predictable you become, the more you’ll increase the perceived quality of your offering.

Questions for Consideration:

  • How consistent is the value you’re offering to your customers?
  • How reliable is your offering?
  • How can you ensure every paying customer receives the value they paid for at the same high standard?